“The Lorena Baricalla Monte Carlo Russian Method” does not simply represent a selection of Ballet’s technical and artistic rules. It is first and foremost a vision.
From a certain point of view, anyone can teach ballet as it is made up of codified steps. But in that case, why can’t all teachers bring their pupils to a good level?
It is the approach to teaching ballet that makes the difference.
The innovative idea distinguishing the “Method” is that of having created a “Global Academy” which provides the Affiliated Ballet Schools an Academic Training Programmebased on international criteria.
Affiliation to the “Method” is open to all schools which wish to follow a quality programme.
The “Method” can carry the pupil to a professional level or to a top-quality amateur level.

The "Method" is a unique evaluation system which allows for the pupil’s positioning in the international panorama of ballet according to 14 levels of study.
This enables the teachers to verify which level to place their pupils at and gives the pupils a vision of the programme and the goals to aim for year after year.
The fine-tuned didactic method offers a learning process and stages of regular progress which allow the pupil to move forward to more advanced levels.
Moreover, the “Method” is based on a body-mind-soul Full Development Training and is thus useful for the emotional balance and the well-being of each individual athlete-artist.
The “Method” has the standards of Vision, Approach, Language, Rules, Ethics and Values.
The brand represents prestige, competence and quality and adds distinction to the affiliated schools.